Stirring Conversation
We are Soul, a specialty coffee enterprise located at the intersection of conflict, community, and conversation.
Our Ferguson, Missouri based mission is to stir conversations that lead to reconciliation.
100 N. Florissant Rd.
Where change happens from the inside out
Coffee Collective
Have a Drink
Choose from our ethically harvested, locally roasted, African and Latin American coffees created in partnership with St.Louis’ finest coffee roasters.
Cooperative Kitchen
Taste Diversity
Our commercial kitchen is a creative space for emerging local chefs, aspiring food entrepreneurs, truck operators, service providers, and community organizations who need affordable access to an indoor kitchen.
We are eager to offer this space as a small step toward addressing food inequity in North St.Louis while cultivating ways to acknowledge and celebrate a diversity of culinary giftings within our region.
Studio Cafe
Reason Together
Our studio cafe is a safe space for thoughtful reflections, courageous conversations, meaningful connections, and creative exploration.
In the modern age, healthy debate has become a lost art and online environments have become battle fields where difficult topics and personalities endure public scrutiny without the dignity of personal relationship. This curated environment is designed for enemies to meet face to face, and potentially become friends.
Soul’s Signature Blend
What do we mean by “blend,” you ask? A blend is a combination of two or more single-origin coffees. In this case, our coffee blend is a 1:1 ratio of the following single-origin coffees:
• Idido [Ethiopia]
• Bukonza [Uganda]
Taste notes: Toffee, Sweet Tea, Brown Sugar
Roast: Medium

Connect With Us
At Soul, we believe that lasting change happens through relationship. When we look into the eyes of one another and swap stories, we oten find common ground. Meeting someone new, especially someone different than you, can be the spark that ignites change in your heart and community.
Coffee acts as a bridge between cultures and people. So, we’re using our specialty grade coffee to prepare a place where common ground can be discovered. Help us stir a new conversation in our world, by having a drink or coming to The Table with us.